What Our Successful Process is Founded on

  • Independence and Objectivity: Privately owned and operated, we are not attached to any one carrier. To the contrary, we have access to more than 50 leading insurance and financial companies from which to select insurance products. Combined with our objectivity, we generate the best possible advice and solutions for our clients.
  • Access: With our strategic partnership with Partners Financial (NFP), we have a distinct advantage over our competitors in the breadth of our insurance solutions, as well as our ability to obtain exceptions and the most favorable offers from carriers. Our preferred access and close relationship to the industry's leading carriers allows us to provide insurance coverage at the best possible price.
  • Advanced Planning Resources:  Life Insurance is one piece to a much larger puzzle and is frequently an overlooked asset.  Our partnership with NFP gives us access to an amazing Advanced Planning Team that serves as an invaluable back office to our firm and provides access to multiple advanced case design strategists and insurance-modeling analysts.  Most of our cases involve trust planning and gifting strategies to consider, our ability to work seamlessly with Estate Planning Attorneys, CPA's and Financial Advisors is crucial to protect our clients' assets and help solve their wealth transfer issues. 
  • Exclusive Underwriting Team: Experience is the key when dealing with large case designs in terms of negotiating the best
    possible offers for our clients with the top carriers in the industry. Our underwriting team evaluates the case and takes into
    consideration any medical and financial underwriting limitations in an effort to get ahead of any issues that could lead to
    adverse risk assessment decisions before sending to the carriers and evaluates the best carriers to submit the case to.
  • Experience: Our principals, Tom and Zac Rose, have over 60 years of combined experience. This depth of experience, coupled with an absence of conflicting interests, results in unbiased advice and services for our clients and their advisors.  A key to a successful insurance plan is matching the client's objectives with the most appropriate solutions. Rather than push insurance products, we apply exceptional technical knowledge of those products with innovative approaches to using them to resolve client needs.  This results in a customized life insurance solution for our clients.